The Brooklyn Paper featured my letter on May 29, 2009.
I enjoyed the photo of the newly married Brooklyn couple who took their wedding party on the 6 train after the ceremony (The Brooklyn Paper 5/15). Their marriage will always bear the special stamp of their unique personalities and union. But I couldn't help feeling disappointed that the duo could not also be a same-sex couple. Certainly a gay couple could make a similar scene on a subway train, but that pair could not get married and then cause a scene on the train. The fate of that scenario now rests with the New York State Senate. The Marriage Equality Bill has been rushed according to some, and the Senate does not appear to have sufficient support to pass the measure at present. But I remain hopeful that our state senators will see this bill as an opportunity to remind the nation that all citizens must be treated without bias under the law. Gay New Yorkers pay taxes and contribute to the state economy as do other law-abiding citizens, and their right to express love and commitment through the institution of marriage should not be abridged.