The story: Carl Paladino, the Tea Party supported Republican nominee for New York Governor, said Democratic rival Attorney General Andrew Cuomo lacks the "cojones" to debate him. "Don't hide behind daddy's coattails," wrote Paladino in an open letter to Cuomo, referring to Cuomo's father, three-term governor Mario Cuomo. "For the first time in your life be a man."
(The Daily News, September 24, 2010) I was not surprised that Carl Paladino challenged Andrew Cuomo's manhood and questioned his possession of certain reproductive organs. Paladino has already shown what kind of man he is, from his penchant for trafficking in offensive emails (he compared African tribal dances to President Obama's inauguration) to his exploiting tragedy for political gain (he equated health care reform with 9/11). And in terms of missing organs, Paladino may be the expert, as his most important organ seems to go AWOL whenever he speaks.