Letters and Opinions

These are opinion pieces that I have had published in a variety of newspapers and magazines. I have been writing letters-to-the-editor since 2006, and have had over 160 published since then. I also play guitar and sing in a musical revue called The Loser's Lounge. With a cast of guest singers, we perform tributes to great songwriters and bands. The show is in its 24th year, and we perform at Joe's Pub - The Public Theater and Lincoln Center in New York City.

Monday, November 24, 2008

amNY published this letter on October 30, 2008. I feel strongly that the photos and names of violent killers (and those who would be) deserve only limited public exposure. I still feel ill when I remember the face and guns of the Virginia Tech murderer jumping off the front page of every newspaper last year.
The letter was edited slightly. The full version:
Thank you, amNY, for not printing on your cover the photo of the Nazi skinhead that was featured prominently in other newspapers. Disturbing images like that do not need to be on public display. His plot with a fellow racist to murder African Americans, including Barack Obama, is a sobering confirmation of the racial tensions that still infect our society, despite the great progress this country has made. But while we need to communicate these stories to demonstrate that reprobates such as these are caught and condemned, allowing them the glory of front page photos is unconscionable.


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