Letters and Opinions

These are opinion pieces that I have had published in a variety of newspapers and magazines. I have been writing letters-to-the-editor since 2006, and have had over 160 published since then. I also play guitar and sing in a musical revue called The Loser's Lounge. With a cast of guest singers, we perform tributes to great songwriters and bands. The show is in its 24th year, and we perform at Joe's Pub - The Public Theater and Lincoln Center in New York City.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

amNY published my prediction for Rod Blagojevich on January 28, 2009. Here's the complete version:

It looks like Rod Blagojevich may join Britney Spears in the public meltdown arena. The dignity he is allegedly trying to defend has been completely absent from his bizarre press conferences and television appearances, and his shameless histrionics are studies in duplicity and desperation. The next front page photo I expect to see will be of the disgraced governor, his head shaved, ranting while being carried off on a stretcher.


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