I responded to a letter published by Metro on February 22, 2011, and my response was printed the next day. Chris E. wrote: Having raised two sons and having lived through the decades required to turn them into fine young men, I take exception to Elton John's assertion that he is a "father." His sexual orientation not withstanding, 63 year old men have no business bringing children into the world. This little tyke will have extraordinary opportunities, be well cared for, go to the best schools - that's laudable. But you're a guardian, Elton. Don't elevate yourself to father status.
To letter writer Chris E. When you state that Elton John's "sexual orientation notwithstanding," and question, by virtue of his demanding schedule, his right to call himself "father" to his biological son, you are affirming that he cannot be a father in name because he is both gay and a busy, famous person. Are we to assume then that a heterosexual businessman who travels, works long hours and defers parenting to others is still a legitimate father? Or would you insist that he refer to himself as a "guardian" as well?
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